Avalara MyLodgeTax > Lodging Tax Blog


3% surcharge added to Vermont short-term rental bills starting August 1

New surcharge on Vermont short-term rentals kicks in August 1...Continued

New California law requires short-term rental listings to show complete price before taxes

New law requires California short-term rentals and hotels to show total price before taxes at first glance...Continued

San Antonio raises permit fees, toughens enforcement for short-term rentals

City Council passes new rules for short-term rentals in San Antonio, Texas, with higher fees and stronger enforcement and tax collection...Continued

Florida governor vetoes short-term rental bill

Bill that would have limited local authority over short-term rentals vetoed by Florida governor...Continued

What charges are subject to lodging tax?

Some short-term rental charges are subject to lodging tax, others aren’t...Continued

Honolulu raises property taxes on short-term rentals

Honolulu short-term rental owners will see bigger property tax bills starting July 1...Continued

Oceanside, California, tightens short-term rental rules

Amended Oceanside, California, law bans new short-term rentals in residential neighborhoods...Continued

New Narragansett STR ordinance goes into effect September 1

Narragansett law caps number of short-term rentals...Continued

Scottsdale passes new rules to crack down on nuisance parties at STRs

Scottsdale passes law targeting short-term rental party houses...Continued