VATLive > Blog > VAT > Italian additional anti-fraud reporting on taxable supplies - Avalara

Italian additional anti-fraud reporting on taxable supplies

  • Jul 16, 2013 | Richard Asquith

Italian additional anti-fraud reporting on taxable supplies

The Italian tax office is now enforcing the requirement on all resident companies to produce an annual report detailing all individual supplies (both sales and supplies received) of goods or services above €3,600 to other businesses or consumers.  This is on top of the existing Italian VAT, Intrastat, EC Sales List.  It will be possible to include the Italian Black List reporting information in this new report, and also the report on cash transactions with non-EU consumers.

The report, known as the Spesometro must be submitted listing customer supplies either by transaction or in summary.

The filing is done online, although more details of the process will be forthcoming.

VP Global Indirect Tax
Richard Asquith
VP Global Indirect Tax Richard Asquith
Richard Asquith is the former VP Global Indirect Tax at Avalara