German VAT invoice requirements
- Sep 7, 2013 | Richard Asquith
Below is a summary of changes to the requirements for German VAT invoices. This follows the Parliamentary approval of a new Act to implement a range of changes to bring German VAT compliance rules into line with the EU VAT Directive and a number of recent court cases. The implementation date for these changes will beimmediately following formal issuance, which should be within the following weeks.
The German VAT changes include:
- The obligation to declare on all invoices when the VAT reverse charge mechanism is used for the supply of services with a company from a different EU member state. This includes when a recipient receives goods, and is responsible for accounting both for the acquisition and sales VAT
- Reverse charge and intra-community supply invoices must now be prepared by the 15th of the month following the supply
- Additional information required for travel services be travel agents etc
Sales tax rates, rules, and regulations change frequently. Although we hope you'll find this information helpful, this blog is for informational purposes only and does not provide legal or tax advice.
VP Global Indirect Tax
Richard Asquith
VP Global Indirect Tax
Richard Asquith
Richard Asquith is the former VP Global Indirect Tax at Avalara