Taiwanese VAT rates and compliance

Taiwanese VAT and GBRT rates

There are a range of VAT and Gross Business Receipts Tax (GBRT):

Taiwan VAT rates

RateTypeWhich goods or services
5%StandardAll other taxable goods and services
0%ZeroExports and related services; some goods and services associated with international transportation
0%ExemptBasic foodstuffs; sale of land; and a range of financial instruments
1%GBRTSmall enterprises; reinsurance premiums
5%GBRTFinancial services
15%GBRTEntertainment services at restaurants or nightclubs

VAT compliance

As a tax payer, VAT registered business must comply with the rules and record keeping requirements of the VAT Act. This includes invoice format and records.  VAT invoices and records must be stored for at least seven years.  Records may be stored electronically.

Time of supply

The period the VAT is due – time of supply or tax point – is generally at the time of delivery or cash payment of the goods.  For services, it is the time of cash settlement.  For installment payments, the VAT is due at the corresponding time of each payment.  VAT on advance payments are only liable when the delivery is performed.

Import VAT is due at the time of clearing the goods into Taiwan through customs.

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