How states use technology in tax enforcement and its impact on your business


Tuesday, February 11, 2025


9:00 a.m. PT/noon ET


60 minutes

States are using technology to aid tax enforcement, provide access to tax information, and streamline tax preparation processes. In this webinar, state tax department representatives will share how they’re leveraging technology and discuss how the U.S. tax policy is evolving.

Hear from state tax department representatives

After this webinar, attendees will be able to: 

  • Explain how cloud technology is being used by tax authorities to improve tax enforcement and administration
  • Realize the impact of automation on tax processes and how it can streamline compliance for both businesses and governments
  • Understand how AI is used in tax enforcement and how it enhances efficiency and accuracy
  • Summarize current initiatives to streamline access to tax information for taxpayers through technology

Unable to attend? Register now and we’ll send you a link to view the webinar recording on demand. Attendees of the webinar are eligible to earn 1 hour of CPE credit.

The reproduction, distribution, modification, retransmission, or publication of the Presentation or FTA’s Image without the prior written consent of the Federation of Tax Administrators is strictly prohibited. www.taxadmin.org. Original air date: November 12, 2024.

Meet our presenters

Ryan Minnick
Chief Operating Officer, Federation of Tax Administrators

Ryan joined the Federation of Tax Administrators in 2015 and was appointed the organization’s first COO in 2021. He’s responsible for the Technology, Safeguards, and Operations Leaders Communities, and he also serves as a subject matter expert specializing in emergent technology, data security, and cybersecurity.

Jay Waldo
Chief Information Officer, Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts

Jay has served in Texas state government since 2000, first at the Department of Agriculture and currently at the Comptroller of Public Accounts; previously, he worked as a software engineer and consultant in private industry. His duties at the Comptroller of Public Accounts included overseeing business process improvement before he transitioned into work focused more on technology.

Diane Yetter
President and Founder, YETTER Tax and Sales Tax Institute

Diane, the “Sales Tax Nerd,” is a strategist, advisor, speaker, and author. The president and founder of YETTER Tax, a sales tax consulting and tax technology firm, she’s also the founder of Sales Tax Institute and was invited to testify twice before the Senate Committee on Finance regarding the impact of the Wayfair decision.

Scott Peterson
Vice President of Government Relations, Avalara

Avalara’s go-to resource for all things related to tax policy, Scott was the first executive director of the Streamlined Sales Tax Governing Board. He spent seven years as COO of the organization, which is devoted to making sales tax simpler and more uniform. Scott also spent 10 years as director of the South Dakota Sales Tax Division.

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