New Hampshire business licenses

Your easy way to find New Hampshire business licenses

What should I know about business licenses in New Hampshire?

New Hampshire has fully recovered from the 2008 recession and now boasts several industries that are driving the state's economy. 

High tech/smart manufacturing is the biggest and most important portion of New Hampshire's economy. In fact, this industry accounts for over 21 percent of wages among employed individuals.

Professional, occupational, environmental, food service, and alcohol-selling companies that want to operate legally in the state need business licenses in New Hampshire. In addition, some business types, such as limited liability companies and corporations, must file specific records with a corporation division of the NH Secretary of State. 

Existing businesses that want to obtain new licensing in order to change the name of their company need to file an application for registering a trade name.

Common New Hampshire business license questions

Your business license isn’t something you want to take for granted in the Granite State. See some of the most common New Hampshire business license questions for what you need to know about starting your business in the White Mountain state.

New Hampshire does not have a general business license per se, but that doesn’t mean you can just open shop. Most licenses and permits in New Hampshire are handled at the local level.

Depending on whether or not you need a license, the cost can change based on what you do and where you do it. A tattoo or body piercing license could cost $500 in Concord, New Hampshire. The cost of a business license in Manchester, New Hampshire varies based on your business activity.

After you’ve determined if your business needs a license in New Hampshire, it’s time to contact your city or town clerk to find any required permits or licenses. Some towns and cities may let you apply online.

If that sounds like a lot to you, you can always let Avalara take care of it on your behalf with our managed license services.

Licensing information for New Hampshire cities

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Learn more about business licenses

Connect with Avalara to learn more about the licenses your business may require.